Just hanging with the buddies.
There’s no place like home. Because home is where the stuffies are. Or that’s how it is for Golden Retriever Rex, who missed his “friends” so much while away on a trip. The pup needed some quality pal time after all that traveling. So he took a dip in a kiddie pool full of his friends.
Isn’t it nice to come home to people who love you? Even if, admittedly, those people are a bunch of stuffed animals.
Just take it from Rex, who went straight from the door to his kiddie pool without stopping. The Golden Retriever just needed some quality time with the gang after all that fun.
“Did you miss your friends?” the Golden’s mama asked.
The Golden was practically buried under all those toys! But don’t worry, he was clearly loving it. He probably stayed in that kiddie pool all night. “Oh are you happy to be home,” his mom teased.
“We have been home for 20 minutes and this is where I found him,” the woman added in the caption.
We should all have the kind of friends that Rex has. People in the comments section were positively obsessed. “Omg mom we’re having a meeting!” joked one person. “Oh my gosh! He missed his friends! The bestest boy!” someone else praised. “Omg a pool is GENIUS! My dog has four laundry baskets full of toys!!!!” chimed in someone else. “The way sitting in there with him for 10 minutes would solve every single issue I’ve ever had hahaha I love him!!!!” exclaimed another person.
Why Do Dogs Like Stuffed Animals?
Is your dog stuffed-animal obsessed? We know Rex isn’t the only one who loves to hang with his toys. But why oh why do dogs like stuffed animals so much?
There are many reasons why dogs love stuffed animals. But the simplest explanation is that stuffed animals are very versatile and can fill many needs. Dogs can use them as a source of comfort, to cuddle with, and they can be chewed on. Which is a big deal to pups! They use their mouths to explore the world.
Dogs might use stuffed animals to engage with their prey instincts too. They’ll pounce and roll around with their stuffy, just like they would with prey. Your dog probably likes that their toy is their special object too. Dogs love to claim things. They’ll like to feel territorial over their fluffy pals.
So the next time your dog looks longingly at a toy in the store, get it for them! It could turn out to be their very best friend.