The savage mauling of a ten-year-old girl by her new XL Bully dog in North Yorkshire last week marks the sixth fatality...
A vet has blasted 'irritating' seemingly well-off pet owners who arrive at vets in flash cars before claiming they can't...
This is the shocking moment a dog owner was caught kicking and whipping his pet dog - before turning on...
A pet bunny died lying in its own urine and feces after it was mysteriously paralyzed in the care of...
Just hanging with the buddies. There's no place like home. Because home is where the stuffies are. Or that's how...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is implementing new border rules for dogs entering the United States...
A rescue operation is under way in Halifax after a dog became trapped 26ft (8m) into a cliff face. The...
She is a 4-year-old Lab/Shepherd mix who plays well with everyone except cats. Pinky loves to play hard with other...
Drivers Who Travel With Dogs to Mexico or Canada Are Required to Say Their Pet Is Rabies Free When Re-Entering...
Kirk Herbstreit, the chief analyst on ESPN's "College GameDay" and a co-host of "Thursday Night Football," announced the death of...